Verlängerung der Prüfungsan- und abmeldetermine SS18 sowie Verschiebung des Termins zur Abgabe der endgültigen P-Pläne

Der Prüfungsausschuss hat eine Verlängerung der Prüfungsan- und -abmeldetermine um je eine Woche beschlossen.
Diese sind nun wie folgt:

- P-Anmeldeende somit Di 24.04.,
- P-Abmeldeende Mi 25.05.
- endgültige P-Pläne 16.05.18

Filmnacht der Studenten beim Comic Salon Erlangen

Die eigene Animation im Kino bewundern? Das geht bei der Filmnacht der Studenten im Rahmen des Comic Salon Erlangen am 2.6.18 in den Lamm Lichtspielen. Hier gibt es alle Infos -> Aufruf_StudentischeFilmnacht

Bitte mitmachen!

Invitation to Media-Class (WPM-A Interactive Audiovisual Media) at Ansbach International Summer School

Invitation to Media-Class (WPM-A) at Ansbach International Summer School
WPM-A Interactive Audiovisual Media
2,5 ECTS
Block-week 14.-17.5.2018

Beginner / intermediate

In this workshop you will learn how to manipulate sound, music, image, and video using the visual programming language „Max/MSP/Jitter“. This includes an introduction to the visual programming environment designed for complete beginners. Using this programming environment we will create our own systems for making music, sounds, videos and „interactive“ systems. The construction of interactive systems will involve learning to use real-time inputs such as microphones and video cameras as sensors that can detect the activity of a user and respond with programmed outputs, e.g. music that responds to how fast you are dancing.


David Tinapple, Assistant Professor of Interactive Visual Media, School of Arts, Media and Engineering, Arizona State University, USA

The class is part of the Ansbach International Summer School.

Participants of this class may enroll to the Cultural Program of the Ansbach International Summer School. You will benefit a lot in intercultural knowledge, you will strengthen your english language skills, you will make use of your intercultural knowledge in peer2peer communication and you will have the opportunity to make friends with students from many countries abroad.

If interested in this class and probably in adding the cultural program, please get in touch with Armine Mirzojan at International Office of Ansbach University. She will tell you how to enroll and will be happy to answer further questions e.g. with respect to the eligibility of getting credit points for the successful participation in the cultural program.

Invitation to Media-Class (WPM-A Media Art and the Environment) at Ansbach International Summer School

WPM-A Media Art and the Environment
2,5 ECTS
Block-week 14.-17.5.2018

The acoustic ecology of environments is critical to our experience of being present within them, but more often then not, it is ignored. In this class students will learn about acoustic ecology. We will explore and discuss how one listens and perceives the world around us. The course will introduce various modes of listening and field recording techniques (including both stereo and ambisonic sound recording and video). It will encourage the students to think more broadly about sound as material.

Students will also learn about the music of contemporary composers including John Cage and R. Murray Schafer and the various concepts and tools they used in order to create works. Art work that may include field recordings, Max/MSP programming and physical computing will be realized.


Garth Paine, Associate Professor of Digital Sound and Interactive Media, School of Arts, Media and Engineering, Arizona State University, USA
Sabine M. Feisst, Ph.D., Professor of Musicology, School of Music, Arizona State University, USA

The class is part of the Ansbach International Summer School.

Participants of this class may enroll to the Cultural Program of the Ansbach International Summer School. You will benefit a lot in intercultural knowledge, you will strengthen your english language skills, you will make use of your intercultural knowledge in peer2peer communication and you will have the opportunity to make friends with students from many countries abroad.

If interested in this class and probably in adding the cultural program, please get in touch with Armine Mirzojan at International Office of Ansbach University. She will tell you how to enroll and will be happy to answer further questions e.g. with respect to the eligibility of getting credit points for the successful participation in the cultural program.

Wiederholungsthema der Studienarbeit 3D Design WS17/18

Das Thema findet sich im Ilias, dort in meinem Bereich und da im Ordner für Wiederholungsstudienarbeiten oder ganz einfach 😉 -> hier